From The Head of School – May 29, 2024

May 29, 2024

Flint Hill Community, 

It is with immense gratitude that I share my final Head of School message for the 2023-24 academic year. The coming days will be filled with end-of-year rites of passage, including Lower School Field Day, Promotion Ceremonies for our 6th Grade (Class of 2030) and 8th Grade (Class of 2028), Upper School Awards, and Prom, followed by our capstone: Commencement for the Flint Hill Class of 2024. Today, I’d like to focus on this incredible senior class.

We launch the Flint Hill Class of 2024 off into the world ready to make their mark, just as they have done so within our Flint Hill community. Of these 142 students, about half began in the Lower or Middle School, with the other half joining us in the Upper School. We have 14 seniors who are “lifers” (having begun at Flint Hill in Junior Kindergarten or Kindergarten) and two “almost lifers,” who started in Kindergarten, moved away for a short span, and then returned to complete their education here. We have one senior who is the last of four Flint Hill students in their respective families to graduate, as well as another seven seniors who are the last of three Flint Hill students in their respective families to graduate.

Whether they started with us at age 4 or 14, the members of the Class of 2024 (along with their families and our faculty and staff) have been on a journey during their time at Flint Hill. This is the group that entered high school at an uncertain time — the fall of 2020, six months after the world shut down due to the pandemic. These students have  weathered uncertainty, pivots, and changes, and have emerged stronger, smarter, and — perhaps — more steeled than any 18-year-old should be. They’ve shown grit and determination, while also pressing us to define a new normal that prioritizes health and wellbeing, creativity and connections, and an ongoing commitment to our Husky community. 

Throughout their time here, the Class of 2024 has shown a care and compassion for one another and this community that reverberated in our hallways, theater and concert performances, athletics competitions, and community events. They have lived our Core Values, and pushed us to be better everyday. Because that’s what good teams do, and we are one Husky team.  

The Class of 2024 took numerous meaningful risks, including submitting 1,238 applications to 259 different colleges and universities near and far (including 36 states, the District of Columbia, England, Ireland, Scotland, and the Netherlands), and next year 78 different colleges and universities will be the lucky new home of one of our seniors. Twenty one different colleges admitted a Husky to a specialized visual or performing arts program. Seventeen seniors will continue their passions as student athletes at the NCAA level, and countless more will participate at the club and intramural levels. Every graduate leaves with their own story, their own dreams and their right-fit college ready to continue their educational journey.

One hundred forty two students, each with their own unique voices and aspirations. We have instilled in them our best efforts — including the moments when we (or they) have fallen short, only to be supported by another Husky student, teacher, coach, or community member. One hundred forty two students, each holding our hopes for the continuation and impact of our Core Values. Together, we expect our graduates to respect and value all equally, lead and support with compassion, act with integrity, imagine what’s possible, and — of course — blaze the trail.  

Whether this is your first year at Flint Hill or your last, I hope you join me in holding these same aspirations for our seniors as we do all of our future graduates — take meaningful risks, be yourself, and make a difference. Many thanks to all of our Huskies, families, faculty, and staff for an incredible 2023-24 school year, and have a joyful and relaxing summer. 

Go Huskies!

Patrick McHonett
Head of School