


January 2, 2021
Written by Flint Hill Admission Team

Spotlight on Upper School Student Life

Flint Hill offers students many paths to dig into school life. Hear from three Upper School students about what they're doing outside of class.

Watch the video or scroll down for the transcript.

TRANSCRIPT: Welcome to this week’s episode of Tuesday Tips. I am Howard Chang, the Upper School Dean of Students at Flint Hill.

Flint Hill offers students many paths to dig into school life. Some students join established clubs while others start their own to connect with peers who share a similar passion. Many devote themselves to the studio, whether creating in the visual or performing arts, and every student gets a chance to be part of a team, whether it's in traditional athletics or in academic settings such as Latin Certamen, Model U.N., or the Robotics and Cybersecurity competitions. All students engage in community service, and many dive deep with their efforts benefiting the local community and beyond.

All in all, students learn invaluable lessons beyond the curriculum when they engage in student life: they connect with others in meaningful and memorable ways, and they learn to work within or even lead a group in diverse situations in pursuit of a common vision. Whatever the case, students get the most out of Flint Hill when they immerse themselves in the life of the school.

I hope you’ve found this information to be helpful. Next, three of our student leaders will share their experience with student life at Flint Hill.

Hello! My name is Rohini Kudva and I'm in 10th grade at Flint Hill. I've taken advantage of many extracurricular opportunities at Flint Hill, including being a part of the Asian Student Union, Yearbook, and co-founding my own club, the Young Activists.

By pursuing these extracurricular activities unique to my interests, I have not only been able to form deeper relationships with my peers, but I've also formed invaluable communities consisting of both teachers and students where I can continue to grow and pursue my interests. Some of the best relationships I have made have actually been with teachers and faculty members. Through my extracurriculars I've been able to talk to and bond with teachers in a new setting, which has allowed me to form deeper and stronger connections with them that help me in class and out of class.

Overall, one of the most rewarding experiences of my high school career so far has been starting and co-founding the Young Activists club. I've learned so much after only a few semesters, from developing leadership skills to learning how to foster inclusive spaces, and the best aspect present in almost all of my extracurricular activities is that while I've been able to engage in everything that makes Flint Hill great, I also know that I can have a positive and constructive impact on the community through my extracurriculars.

Hello, I am Emma Conkel and I am in the 12th grade at Flint Hill. I have taken advantage of many extracurricular opportunities at Flint Hill, including the literary magazine, Classics club and Marine Conservation club. In participating in these extracurriculars I've realized that making a difference through both service and mentoring is very important to me. Starting the Marine Conservation club and being an officer in other clubs helped me challenge myself and realize how capable I am. Finally, I gained strong leadership and communication skills.

Hello, I'm Chike Ugwu and I'm in 11th grade at Flint Hill. I've taken advantage of my many extracurricular opportunities at Flint Hill, including Equal Justice Initiative, Black Student Union and Academic Honor Council.

Some benefits of my experiences at Flint Hill include taking classes that might put me out of my comfort zone and really might spark an interest in something I didn't know of. For example, my ceramics class or maybe my digital art class I took freshman year.

Another benefit of my experience is talking to our amazing housekeeping staff. They're so friendly and just waving “hi” and just sparking conversation with them is so meaningful, and it just shows the community of Flint Hill. Also, reaching out to teachers for extra help during office hours if I needed it. It builds a bond with the teachers as well as just strengthens my interest in their class, so it’s just really helpful.


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