Middle School

Preteens and teens who are understood and encouraged to explore and grow as individuals smooth out the turbulence of their middle school years and begin to figure out their place in the world.

Flint Hill understands that adolescents long to be accepted while simultaneously wanting to be their own person. We pay special attention to these crucial years of exploration and self-discovery, offering deep learning opportunities that both challenge and support students. We believe there is no limit to students’ academic capacity — helping them uncover their passions and prepare them for a successful transition to high school and beyond.



What's the best way to learn? By doing! Watch our hands-on Huskies use similar triangles to calculate inaccessible objects outside of their Geometry Honors classroom. 


Serving the surrounding community is important to our students and that civic engagement really takes off in middle school. Here, 7th graders and their advisors spend the day at a local park, participating in Fairfax County Park Authority’s Invasive Management Area Program.


Our teachers constantly seek opportunities to take curriculum outside the classroom walls and expose students to settings that expand their learning. Watch our 7th graders build teamwork skills during a scavenger hunt race through D.C.


Middle school is when students begin to have more input in choosing their classes. Students who enroll in Audio/Visual Production class experience the fundamentals of media production by conceptualizing, writing, and filming an episode of “The Hub” every week.


The Middle School day starts with Advisory. We believe strongly that relationships and community building are the foundation for academic learning, particularly in the Middle School years. Following the Developmental Designs model, students meet in their Advisory groups each morning to engage in activities focused on social-emotional learning. By helping students feel safe, validated, connected, and heard, we strive to create an inclusive learning community that paves the way for academic engagement.

As part of a long-standing Flint Hill tradition, each student in the 8th grade creates and delivers a presentation on a personal or meaningful topic to their classmates. Mentored by faculty and staff, students engage in structured reflection, idea development, and the practice of effective public speaking and presentation skills. In this tangible expression of Flint Hill’s vision statement, we encourage students to be creative and true to themselves as they select their topic, refine their narrative, and craft their delivery. The Capstone Presentation is a community-building experience and the culmination of personal and intellectual development throughout Middle School.

Middle School students are required to participate in one sport each season and can choose from a variety of options. There are generally two teams for each sport: blue teams are composed of students who are more experienced in a particular sport while green teams are composed of students who are still developing their skills and overall understanding of team concepts. 

In addition to the curricular Theater Arts classes, students may participate in the annual Middle School Play as performers, production assistants, light/sound technicians, or backstage crew members. Interested students choose the Middle School Play as their winter athletics option, and rehearsals take place during the athletics block in the regular daily schedule. Previous plays and musicals have included:

  • “Robin Hood” (2023)
  • “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare” (2022)
  • “Comedy Tonight” (2021)
  • “The Addams Family” (2020)
  • “Tapestry” (2019)


Substance Abuse Prevention 

The 7th grade Wellness and Life Skills program focuses on substance abuse prevention and is taught in two week-long seminars. The goal of Project ALERT is to reduce the use of abused substances by keeping non-users from trying them and by preventing non-users and experimenters from becoming regular users. 

Human Sexuality 

The Human Sexuality Seminar is taught to all 8th grade students over one week. Topics include a brief review of the physiological changes of puberty and the sexual reproductive system, an overview of sexually-transmitted diseases, and an introduction to the topic of abstinence and pregnancy prevention. Additionally, multiple class periods are devoted to exploring family and individual values and relating them to healthy interpersonal relationships. All materials are presented in a developmentally-appropriate manner and are respectful of the diversity and unique needs of each student in the classroom.

Alcohol and Drug Awareness 

The Alcohol and Drug Awareness seminar is taught to all 8th grade students by a drug and alcohol educator. Topics for this week-long seminar include an overview of addiction, an explanation of the impact of drugs and alcohol on the body, effective peer intervention, and strategies for non-use. Through discussion and activities, students learn self-advocacy and prevention strategies. All materials are presented in a developmentally-appropriate manner and are respectful of the needs of each student in the classroom. 



We often say that at Flint Hill, we do Middle School differently. Our program is designed to embrace middle schoolers' unique developmental needs and is complemented by a broad range of extracurricular and social activities that encourage collaboration, leadership, service, and self-expression.

The philosophy of the Fine Arts Department is to unlock the artist within each Middle School student and to allow them to explore their passions and learn something new. The Middle School offers courses in art, theater, and three different music ensembles — band, choir, and percussion. Through the fine arts, Flint Hill students develop confidence, creativity, and an ability to process their emotions and understand the world around them. 

Grades 7 & 8

Theater Arts
Visual Arts

The Science Department uses observation, problem solving, and project-based activities to teach Middle School students to think both independently and critically about the natural world. Students are introduced to the unique process and language of scientific inquiry and are encouraged to make connections between what they learn and the world around them. As students learn about the universe, their planet and life on Earth, they are set up for success, both in future science courses and as productive and compassionate global citizens.

Grade 7
Earth and Space Science

Grade 8
Life and Environmental Science

The History Department provides Middle School students the opportunity to understand their rights and responsibilities of citizenship and what it means to be a global citizen at the local, state, national, and international level through the study of United States history and contemporary world events. Critical thinking and writing skills are fundamental areas of growth as well as fostering curiosity and a passion for life-long learning. In addition, students engage in experiential learning by taking advantage of the vast resources the Washington, D.C., region offers. 

Grade 7
Themes in United States History

Grade 8
World Cultures and Geography

Middle School Innovation is about exploration and discovery. Students select from a collection of hands-on, project-based courses designed to unlock creativity, problem-solving, and trailblazing abilities. Classes may be a single-semester experience or a deeper multi-semester dive to provide students with the tools and resources they need to unleash their potential and pursue their passions. Whether it's learning how to code, building a robot, making a lightsaber, or producing a news segment, Innovation classes provide a platform for students to unleash their creativity, collaborate with others, and develop skills that they will draw upon well beyond their middle school experience.

Grades 7 & 8
Exploration of Programming Languages
Advanced Programming Skills
Introduction to Robotics
Competition Robotics
Audio/Video Production

The Middle School Mathematics program capitalizes on the natural curiosity, imagination, intuitions, and lived experiences of adolescents. Grounded in concrete experiences that grow into more abstract concepts and ideas, the program is designed to foster the understanding of core mathematical relationships, vocabulary, and notation through the use of multiple representations and diverse approaches to problem-solving. In addition to developing foundational skills, students are challenged to reflect on their own ideas, critique the thinking of others, and develop an understanding of how they learn mathematics as they progress through the program. Multiple levels of each course provide students of all levels with opportunities to experience success, build confidence, and establish mathematical habits of mind that will prepare them to advance into the Upper School.  

Grade 7
Math 7
Pre-Algebra Honors
Algebra I Honors
MathCounts and Enrichment

Grade 8
Math 8
Algebra I
Algebra I Honors
Geometry Honors
MathCounts and Enrichment

The Modern Languages Department aims to give Middle School students a strong base in languages and prepare them for future language studies. The interactive, hands-on approach includes speaking, listening, games, songs, videos, and cultural projects to develop language skills. The challenging curriculum encourages students to actively participate in their own learning. Language learning is a journey of growth and discovery. Students are provided with a positive, inclusive environment where they can feel comfortable taking risks. The focus is on providing a foundation for academic and linguistic growth. The goal is to equip students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in future language studies and to become confident communicators in a multilingual world. 

Grades 7 & 8
French I – Part 1
French I – Part 2
Introduction to Spanish
Spanish I – Part 1
Spanish I – Part 2
Spanish I – Part 2 Honors

The main focus of the English Department in the Middle School is maintaining student engagement. Students write in many genres including essays, poems, stories, and podcasts. The writing program focuses on developing voice, analytical writing skills, grammar, and vocabulary. In an effort to develop lifelong readers, the English Department runs a robust, gamified yearlong Independent Reading Program and carefully curates a reading list of classic literary texts as well as high-interest books as core class texts. 

Grade 7
English 7
English 7 Honors
Introduction to Creative Writing and Journalism

Grade 8
English 8
English 8 Honors
Introduction to Creative Writing and Journalism

Middle School Latin students engage with language, history and culture on a daily basis; they love solving puzzles and word games, learning how English words came to be, and discovering how history and mythology affect the world today. After completing the 7th and 8th grade sequence of Latin, students will possess a strong grasp of Latin and English vocabulary and will use their basic understanding of Latin grammar to improve their ability to read and write in English. Daily, they analyze and translate informative Latin passages, and they demonstrate their work process as they answer probing questions which guide them toward proving the statements they make. The Classics Department also strives to create and engage in extracurricular activities that allow students to challenge themselves and to interact with students nationwide. 

Grade 7
Latin I – Part 1
Latin I – Part 2
Latin I – Part 2 Honors

Grade 8
Latin I – Part 1
Latin IPart 2
Latin IPart 2 Honors


How does Flint Hill foster individuality?


Brian Lamont
Director of the Middle School
Samrudhi Dembla
Class of 2029
Kerryann Morris
Middle School Science Teacher