May 12, 2022
Written by Flint Hill Admission Team
In Their Own Words: Why Our Teachers Love Flint Hill
Our teachers love Flint Hill — and they want to tell you why they believe our school and our community are amazing.
"I think what sets Flint Hill apart from other schools — independent schools, public schools — is we have a very caring community, and I think everyone just looks after each other. The whole idea of Flint Hill providing the environment wherein students and faculty and staff can take meaningful risks and be ourselves, as well."
Zita Gray, Upper School Science Teacher
"I love the inclusiveness, the feeling of inclusivity in the school. When you walk in, we see the flags of all the different countries that students are from. There is a phrase on the American currency, E Pluribus Unum. And I think that really sums up this school: out of many, we have one. I think that diversity and inclusion equity is something that's really appreciated here."
Khalil Abdul-Malik, Upper School English Teacher
"I used to be the golf coach here, and I used to have opposing coaches tell me, 'Your kids are the best. I can't tell you how impressed I am with your team.' So when I hear an opposing coach tell me that they're so impressed with my kids, I do certainly see their citizenship and their character. I would say our kids are very high character kids compared to the kids that we compete against."
Jeff Sealy, Upper School English Teacher
"Our focus is on really exploring math first, so kind of a soft launch, and getting them, again, just the natural curiosity of how does something work and then really taking it apart and figuring out how we explain it. Not all programs do that. You know, some are really focused on mechanics: 'How do you solve this equation?' But they never really get into 'Why do we even need this equation in the first place?' So we tend to come at it from the other angle, which I think for a lot of students really helps them make sense of the math that they're learning."
Riki Weeks, Upper School Math Teacher and Grades 7-12 Department Chair
"I think there are a number of things, but the thing that it comes back to for me are relationships: the relationships that students have with teachers and that teachers have with students. They have a lot of access to us and that allows them to develop in the way that's natural for them. And some students will come up to a teacher without blinking an eye. Other students need months and months and months before they really develop a sense of independence and being able to assert and speak for themselves."
Kenneth Whitley, Music Teacher, Grades 5-12
"When you have the resources, it just means you can think bigger. So if I have a student who wants to work on 6x6 foot paintings — I didn't get to work on 6x6 foot paintings until I was a senior in college. I was buying my own supplies — but like, 'What do you want to do? Let's figure out how to do it.' That's that's the coolest thing. 'I think you have an idea. Let's run with it. Let's figure out how to mine it and build it and grow it and like, blow it up and then put it back together and see what's new.' So I think it's just that feeling of not necessarily a limitless horizon, but maybe it is a limitless horizon, at least within the art department."
Nikki Brugnoli, Upper School Art Teacher
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