
January 28, 2021
Written by Flint Hill Admission Team

November 1, 2023
Written by Flint Hill Admission Team

25 Questions to Help You Choose a School for Your Child

Choosing a school can be a daunting and overwhelming process. How do you know which questions to ask as you try to find the right "fit?"

We've got you covered with a guide that gives you 25 critical questions in various categories to consider as you visit schools.

Here are five of the 25 questions you need to ask when you're considering schools. Download the rest!

  1. What type of child succeeds at the school?
  2. What does the tuition include?
  3. How does the school meet individual students’ academic needs?
  4. How does the school support the college counseling process?
  5. Are athletics required at the school?

Download the rest of the questions.


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Depth vs. Acceleration: A Look at Deeper Learning in Flint Hill’s Lower School

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Six Things You Need to Know Before Your Student Starts 9th Grade

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‘A Bright and Bold Future Ahead’: Flint Hill VAIS Accreditation Visit 2024

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Rigor Versus Productive Struggle in the Classroom

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