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February 20, 2022
Written by Flint Hill Admission Team

What Lower School Students Want You to Know (Grades 4-6)

We asked Lower School students in grades 4-6 to tell us why they love Flint Hill. Here's what they had to say!

Watch the video or read the transcript below.


What do you love about Flint Hill?

What I like about Flint Hill is that everyone's there for you, and it's just a big family.

It's so colorful. It's so wild — in a good way, not a bad way. And everyone's so nice to you and everyone wants to be your friend, and it doesn't make you feel left out.

I love how we're connected with the high school so you can make friends with high schoolers.

I love how everyone is very creative and kind to each other. There is homework, but not a lot of homework that it stresses you out, like other schools.

What does it mean to be a Husky?

What it means to be a Husky, kind of just following like I said earlier, following the core values and just standing up for others.

You respect people. You try to be the best friend you can to other people.

To me what it means to be a Husky is to show our core values, which is to be responsible, honest.

What does it mean to blaze your own trail?

I think what it means to blaze your own trail is to be yourself and not focus on what other people think of you.

You don't go down a path that everyone else is going. You make your own path. You are who you are no matter what anyone says. And follow your dreams!

What advice would you give to a new Husky?

That if you're nervous, don't be nervous.

Don't be shy when they come on the first day of school. Like everyone will be like a welcoming. It's not going to be awkward for anyone.

In the beginning, for me, it was a little hard, but I had a lot of people who were open to be friends with me. And again, it took me some time, but I eventually got warmed up and I got used to Flint Hill and everything.

You're going to make friends quickly. And these friends are going to really care for you. So if you have any problems, really, you can ask any teacher, even if they're not in the grade.


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