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February 18, 2022
Written by Flint Hill Admission Team

What Lower School Students Want You to Know (JK-3)

We asked Lower School students in grades JK-3 to tell us why they love Flint Hill. Here's what they had to say!

Watch the video or read the transcript below.


What do you love about Flint Hill?

I like to learn a lot. Like I love learning and doing hard stuff because that's what makes me me.

I love all the fun activities and all the Huskies that are kind.

I love recess and definitely lunch! And the teachers.

What does it mean to be a Husky?

It means, like, you have to be respectful and honest and kind.

Like when you get mad, you calm down. And be compassionate.

It means to be like, a family to everybody. We do have one big family that you treat like your family.

Well, I think it means, to be honest and compassionate about everybody around you.

What advice would you give to a new Husky?

Kinda be open to other people. Like if they don't have a friend, ask them if they want to be friends with you.

I would tell them everyone's like really nice and no one laughs at you if you make a mistake. And I can also say you can play with me and Amelia.

I would ask them if they would want to be my friend first and I would say maybe, I don't know, say some compliments and that might get you somewhere.

I would say like maybe like if you ask a friend to play, and if it doesn't work, I could play with them.



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